Easy DIY Bathroom Makeover Ideas
I recently picked out new paint for my bathroom, then decided it was getting a makeover! It needs a fresh look and I really needed some DIY inspiration.. I’ve seen a lot of dramatic bathroom remodels, but I am looking for some creative alternatives for those. I would like to do something fairly easy and a little less time consuming.
I bought this for my master bathroom the other day. It looks so good in there and helps with organization!
These are some other ways I can easily revamp my bathroom.

I have wanted to do something like this for a long time! The wood framing around the mirror looks really awesome, but everything I have read doesn’t make it seem as simple as this.

I really love this idea! Although the pallet wall changes the feel of the room, I think shelves on the wall or a cute light fixture would complete the look.

This is a MUST! My cabinets are currently white, however I think the darker colors look much nicer. This may be a little more challenging, but oh so worth it! The mirror mentioned above would go perfectly with these cabinets.

I think this would give the bathroom some personality and make it look a bit more decorative. I would like to know how durable this is since I have a toddler who splashes water all down the side of the tub most days. If this resistant to a lot of water it will be going in my bathroom!
I love this DIY bathroom makeover ideas of using stencils on the wall.
Watch this short video to see how she did it.